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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    La primavera è arrivata! 🌸

    Scopri la nostra nuova, vivace collezione!

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Cabaia x I Feebles 🎨

    The Feebles reinventano i nostri prodotti iconici in una collezione limitata.

    La primavera è arrivata! 🌸

    Scopri la nostra nuova, vivace collezione!

    La nostra collezione Bright Colours porta un'esplosione di primavera nella tua vita quotidiana e nelle tue vacanze con zaini colorati e design floreali. Esplora subito la collezione completa!

    Disponibile ora
    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Cabaia x I Feebles 🎨

    The Feebles reinventano i nostri prodotti iconici in una collezione limitata.

    o studio creativo The Feebles reinventa le nostre icone con pennellate. Una collezione di opere d’arte in edizione limitata, disponibile online e nei negozi.

    Disponibile ora
    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Black Friday? We've got something better!
    The stars have said ‘No Black Friday’. They prefer 30% off all year round. Black Friday is a bit like black magic.... As a brand, you have to sell your soul to the devil to take part. Because to offer 70% off once a year, you need to have very high margins all year round! Here, we've chosen a gentler method to enchant you: ethics. We set our prices fairly and sensibly. And because we'll never stop living up to our values, you'll never find CABAIA on the list of brands participating in Black Friday. 
    Articolo scritto da: Zoé CHAUVINEAU

    The stars have said ‘No Black Friday’. They prefer 30% off all year round.

    Black Friday is a bit like black magic.... As a brand, you have to sell your soul to the devil to take part. Because to offer 70% off once a year, you need to have very high margins all year round! Here, we've chosen a gentler method to enchant you: ethics.

    We set our prices fairly and sensibly. And because we'll never stop living up to our values, you'll never find CABAIA on the list of brands participating in Black Friday.

    No Black Friday, but... discounts all year round!

    But we do have a few discounts for you! Because even though we're very careful not to over-produce, sometimes our crystal ball goes haywire and we order a bit more than we need. When this happens, we obviously don't throw our products away. We put them in the LAST CHANCE section with a 30% discount. It's a great way to spoil your loved ones at Christmas... and all year round too, as the section is open 365 days a year.

    30%, why not more?

    We called in the world's top numerologists to find out THE number. But they couldn't agree, so we ended up asking Kristel in accounts. And she said 30. 30% discount that we can give to products from our old collection, and no more.

    But why? Because we've chosen to keep our prices reasonable. They're calculated so that we can offer you high-quality products while respecting the planet and all the people we work with from near and far (not forgetting our kibble eaters at the SPA, of course).

    And by respecting you. Because it's very simple: the more a brand lowers its prices for Black Friday, the more it makes an incredible profit all year round. And you don't have to be a mind reader to know that at CABAIA, we don't eat that kind of bread (we're more into organic wholemeal bread, if you're wondering).

    So if you buy your Christmas presents on Dernière Chance, you're not taking part in Black Friday.

    You're taking part in a world that's going round and that values its old collections so that they don't get thrown away. That's great karma for you!

    Articolo scritto da: Zoé CHAUVINEAU

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