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    Spedizione gratuita a partire da 50 CHF

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Giveaway di San Valentino

    Condividi la tua storia d’amore con la tua borsa CABAIA per avere la possibilità di vincere 100 CHF

    Giveaway di San Valentino

    Condividi la tua storia d’amore con la tua borsa CABAIA per avere la possibilità di vincere 100 CHF

    Il vostro incontro, le vostre avventure, i vostri migliori ricordi: vogliamo sapere tutto!

    Termina il 14 febbraio
    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    The adventurer crossbody bag - The design
    Now that the need is identified, the real work begins: we have to imagine, think, and figure out how to create the 'perfect product' that will make your eyes light up... Let's go!
    Articolo scritto da: Zoé CHAUVINEAU

    Now that the need is identified, the real work begins: we have to imagine, think, and figure out how to create the 'perfect product' that will make your eyes light up... Let's go!

    From the brief to the sketch...

    In this project, the first thing we wanted to try was to cut up an Adventurer to create a handbag... The result was already promising, wasn't it?

    Then, as with every new product, we put our heads together to craft a product brief with great attention to detail. This brief is our compass: it helps us to clearly identify the needs, define the constraints, and avoid the false good ideas (and believe us, there are quite a few).

    This time, the brief was so detailed that we reworked it once, twice, three times... up to five times! Needless to say, the final version was almost 'perfect,' which allowed us to come up with sketches very close to the final product.

    The essential features in our brief were:

    • Having an exterior zippered pocket,

    • And numerous interior compartments (key hook, pocket for glasses, etc.),

    • Being compatible with CABAIA pouches and offering a new pouch with a more elegant design, including pockets for credit cards,

    • Having an adjustable 4 cm thick shoulder strap that adapts to all situations, to carry the bag close to the body for easy access, or wear it across the body for more security in public transport,

    • Having a compact yet spacious space.

    Next, we had to choose between the two options we had been working on. But, because we like to keep you waiting, we'll reveal in the next episode which one won the battle!

    Keep or not keep?

    In the meantime, since we're pretty nice, we'll show you the other sketches to give you an idea of how, from a small idea, we can come up with all sorts of different designs!

    And if you’re a keen observer, you’ll notice that concept 2 doesn’t appear, so maybe that means something... or maybe not… 😉

    Next step: prototypes! And between us, it’s the step we like the most...

    Articolo scritto da: Zoé CHAUVINEAU

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