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    Endlich Frühling

    Entdecke unsere kunterbunte neue Kollektion!

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    CABAIA x The Feebles

    🌈 Abenteuer, Design & gute Laune

    Endlich Frühling

    Entdecke unsere kunterbunte neue Kollektion!

    Unsere Bright Colors Kollektion bringt mit kunterbunten Rucksäcken und Taschen mit Blumenmotiven jede Menge Frühlingsgefühle in deinen Alltag und Urlaub. Entdecke jetzt die ganze Kollektion!

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    CABAIA x The Feebles

    🌈 Abenteuer, Design & gute Laune

    Das Künstler-Duo The Feebles kommt aus dem französischen Nantes und verwandelt alles, was es in die Finger bekommt, zu kreativen Werken. Sie bemalen Wände, Gegenstände, Leinwände und jetzt auch ganz exklusiv die Accessoires von CABAIA. Bist du bereit für eine Kapselkollektion, für die der Kreativität im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes freien Lauf gelassen wurde?

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      care & Give

      We have been proud partners of the Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA)

      With a team deeply committed to animal welfare, it was an obvious choice from day one to support the SPA in its mission and work towards the well-being of animals.

    For the Well-Being of Animals

    The SPA is an association close to our hearts that has been working for over 170 years to rescue, protect, and find homes for thousands of animals each year.

    With 75 shelters across France, the SPA has saved more than 460,000 animalsand facilitated the adoption of over 415,000 in the past 15 years alone!

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe

    A Love Story That Lasts

    The relationship between the SPA and CABAIA is a love story that has endured over the years. Since the start of our collaboration six years ago, we have donated more than €260,000. How? Through proceeds raised from the sale of our solidarity collections, where 100% of the profits are donated to the association.

    What is the #MartyChallenge ?

      We also contribute through the #MartyChallenge: for every photo posted on Instagram using this hashtag, we donate an additional €1 to the SPA! Beyond financial contributions, CABAIA teams regularly volunteer with the SPA, delivering food and giving care and affection to animals in shelters. Together, we’ve brought happiness to countless animals—and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe

    Our Concrete Actions

    Thanks to the donations we’ve raised, we’ve helped fund food and medical care for animals until their adoption, as well as behavioral studies, interventions in illegal breeding operations, and the construction of shelter parks.

    "Donations and bequests are the only way the SPA can operate. They cover everything from electricity to food to medical care for a cat—it’s incredibly broad and is what keeps us going!"
    — Camille Grasset, Manager of the Quimper Shelter

    Our Concrete Actions - Cabaïa Europe

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Cabaïa and the animals: hand in paw 🐱🐶
    From the beginning, the question of animal welfare was a key issue. The reason? In the team we all have a past that makes us particularly sensitive to the animal cause.
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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Cabaïa x Wings of the Ocean, the solidarity collection that will make waves.
    Concerned about the environment from day one, we are proud to support the association Wings of the Ocean, which works for the protection of the ocean by combating wild waste, especially plastic.
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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Cabaïa is now a certified B corporation !
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