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    Die Crossbody Taschen sind wieder auf Lager

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    CABAIA x The Feebles

    🌈 Abenteuer, Design & gute Laune

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    Die Crossbody Taschen sind wieder auf Lager

    Unsere Crossbody Umhängetaschen sind in 4 bekannten Farben und einer brandneuen Farbe wieder auf Lager. Schnapp dir eine Tasche, solange der Vorrat reicht.

    P.S. Der nächste Nachschub kommt schon nächsten Monat!

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    CABAIA x The Feebles

    🌈 Abenteuer, Design & gute Laune

    Das Künstler-Duo The Feebles kommt aus dem französischen Nantes und verwandelt alles, was es in die Finger bekommt, zu kreativen Werken. Sie bemalen Wände, Gegenstände, Leinwände und jetzt auch ganz exklusiv die Accessoires von CABAIA. Bist du bereit für eine Kapselkollektion, für die der Kreativität im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes freien Lauf gelassen wurde?

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe

    Gift Ideas

    Looking for a gift idea for a loved one (or for yourself)? Cabaïa is there to help you ### Whether it's for every birthday, anniversary, or special occasion, the same puzzle comes to life when it comes to finding a gift to offer. How can you be sure to please your parents, friends or loved one? Don't panic, forget about last minute fears, let yourself be inspired and find the rare pearl thanks to our gift guide! Discover without further delay our special selection just to please your loved ones (and also yourself). Here, you're bound to find wonderful surprises for the person you want to spoil. Whether it's a gift for a man, a woman or a child. Feel free to use our filters to refine your search and find the perfect gift.  Take pleasure in giving a great gift to those who mean something to you: ensure a successful Valentine's Day by choosing one of our great Cabaïa hats. Also pamper your parents by surprising them with a nice backpack. Everyone needs a backpack, whether it's for going to school, going away for the weekend, traveling, going around the world, climbing a mountain top, going to work or even for his or her daily workout! Cabaïa offers you a wide choice of backpacks in different sizes to meet all your requests and needs! If not, play the card of originality by falling for one of our towels in round and rectangular shapes, they are 150cm in diameter for the round towels and 90cm x 150cm for the rectangular ones. Pssssssssst: it's a secret but all our towels have a hidden pocket on the back, the perfect ingenuity to hide your things at the beach and avoid them to take water! Make sure they're happy on Mother's Day or Father's Day. Also think of your brothers and sisters and bet on a pair of socks. And yes, that's how we are at Cabaïa: we promise you'll find THE gift that will make your loved ones crush.

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      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      Grasshopper Navy
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      French Mule Deep Teal
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      Jungle Bird Navy
      40,00 €
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      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      Derby Beige
      40,00 €
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