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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
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    Outlet -30%

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    Neue Kollektion

    Eine sonnige Auszeit gefällig?

    Wenn das Fernweh ruft, bringt dich unsere neue Kollektion raus aus dem Winter und rein in die Vorfreude. Bist du dabei?

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Outlet -30%

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    Nachschub im Outlet: Schnapp dir -30% auf Rucksäcke und Taschen aus vergangenen Kollektionen!

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe

    Snood kids2

    Discover our collection of children's snoods ### Matching snoods with caps for little girls or boys! We thought of everything while creating these warm and soft snoods, easy to put on. The lining makes them soft, warm and comfortable for children and babies. Our children's snoods are one size fits all and are perfect for children aged 4-6 years or 6-12 years. This year also discover our children's bonnets 6-12 years old which keep your children's neck, head and ears warm. Our fleece-lined hats and gloves are also ideal for winter, so don't be afraid of catching cold in the schoolyard. With Cabaïa's warm winter hats and accessories, your children will be covered enough to face snow, hail, cold and frosty schoolyards! Our snoods (or scarves) are cute, colourful and fun with their magnetic interchangeable pom-poms (watch out, pom-pom fight coming up at home!). Notice to all parents, grandparents, aunts, who wish to please their (grand)child, nephew, niece, don't hesitate any longer, Cabaïa offers you the ideal birthday or Christmas present with its children's gift ideas!

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