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    Livraison offerte à partir de 50€

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Nouvelle collection

    On s’échappe de l’hiver avec cette nouvelle collection. Vous venez ?

    Nouvelle collection

    On s’échappe de l’hiver avec cette nouvelle collection. Vous venez ?

    Vous aussi, vous commencez à avoir besoin de recharger les batteries ? Plutôt que partir chercher le soleil au bout du monde, on a conçu une nouvelle collection. Réconfortante, dépaysante, lumineuse, elle va vous redonner le coup de boost dont vous avez besoin en attendant le printemps.

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Repair and recycling of products
    Article rédigé par : Zoé CHAUVINEAU

    To Infinity and Beyond!

    Cats have nine lives. At Cabaia, we make sure our bags have at least two. Don't believe us? Marie-Alphée will explain everything!

    All our bags are guaranteed for life! Whether they face a zombie attack or an avalanche, we'll be there to replace them. Find all the conditions here.

    When your favorite backpacks are returned to us due to a minor defect, it's unthinkable for us to throw them away. Instead, we've decided to give them a second life: we repair them, pamper them, and offer them up for adoption at a mini price.

    In fact, we even set up an in-house sewing workshop. And guess what? These bags, with their little flaws lovingly repaired by Soundes, are then put back on sale in our stores at a mini price! We give them a second chance, and it makes for a beautiful story to tell!

    And if our amazing seamstress can't save the bag (yes, sometimes it happens), no worries! We still give it a second chance... by recycling it. It's a bit like magic, but for real! How do we perform this magic trick? You have to ask Plaxtil, our partner company that transforms plastic into everyday objects in the blink of an eye! They dismantle everything, even the metal bar, to regenerate plastic and create new items. Who would have thought that a simple backpack could live such an adventure?

    Article rédigé par : Zoé CHAUVINEAU


    Votre dose de bonheur hebdomadaire : nouveautés, surprises et avantages réservés à notre communauté.

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe