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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    What should you wear your beanie with?
    Did you say timeless? The beanie can be worn a little backwards, screwed firmly onto the top of the head, or oversized in a cuddly version. But you can never get enough of them. Our cult accessory is back, and more stylish than ever.
    Der Artikel wurde geschrieben von: Zoé

    What to wear your beanie with?

    Pop quiz: which Cabaïa icon is turning heads, attracting compliments and wearing a pompom (or not)?

    10/10, you've got it: it's the beanie. They're back, in twisted, minkled, ribbed or tasselled versions... With cuffs or coloured. But always soft and durable.

    Their (ultra) special mission: to keep you warm in style! In this article, we'll show you how to combine your hat with our accessories for your winter days.

    Ready for a dose of warmth?


    Bum bag and beanie - the perfect pair!

    The question is: how many pompons can we fit into our bum bag? The answer is: as many as you want!

    Ever since the new bum bag collection came out, we've been waiting for just one thing: to be able to take our pom-poms with us wherever we go to change our look during the day.

    What's more, the good news is that the new beanie collection goes perfectly with corduroy.

    So what are we waiting for?

    Endless looks

    Of course, you can create hundreds of combinations between hats and backpacks! It's like having an all-you-can-eat buffet of style combinations. Imagine you're in an all-you-can-eat restaurant with a menu of hats in every colour and backpacks in every style.

    You're spoilt for choice, whether you want a chic beanie to go with a stylish backpack, or an ultra-fashionable, samba-dancing beanie with a colourful, patterned backpack.

    In short, there are as many possibilities as there are toppings on a pizza, or as many options as there are grains of sand on a beach.

    Matchy matchy with baby

    Being a parent also means having the chance (for a short time only) to choose baby's clothes. Why deprive yourself of matching baby's clothes from time to time?

    It's just so cool to be able to match your kids, AND with the new size available, you can match the big ones with the little ones!

    Being a parent also means having the chance (for a short time only) to choose baby's clothes. Why deprive yourself of matching baby's clothes from time to time?

    It's just so cool to be able to match your kids, AND with the new size available, you can match the big ones with the little ones!

    When beanies meet our animal friends 🦒

    For all you animal fans out there, here are the best hats to look stylish from head to toe: we know you'll fall for the panther prints from Hanky Panky.

    With giraffe and panther prints to choose from, we've got you covered.

    Want to learn more? We've written an article about our certifications our commitments.

    Der Artikel wurde geschrieben von: Zoé

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