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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    How to change your pouch using the MOLLE system
    Der Artikel wurde geschrieben von: DIATLY DIATLY

    How can I change my front pockets?


    The “Molle System” is an ingenious and simple attachment system for interchangeable pockets on backpacks.

    The MOLLE System

    The Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment, or MOLLE system, was invented and developed in 1997 by the US Army. This attachment system consists of a series of complementary flat attachment loops. With these loops, you can attach accessories, add or remove pockets on your backpack wherever and however you need them.

    This system turns the straps into an extremely strong “fabric,” making the pocket theft-proof when attached to the backpack.

    Customize your backpack

    You can customize the style of your Cabaïa backpack by adding or removing your side pockets & front pockets, depending on what you need at the time.

    Thanks to this system, every Cabaïa front pocket remains securely attached to the backpack and can be easily attached or detached depending on your mood.






    It's that simple

    The MOLLE system is very simple: to attach your front pocket to your backpack, just pull the straps through the top and bottom once..

    All done!

    MOLLE system gif

    Der Artikel wurde geschrieben von: DIATLY DIATLY

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