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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    CABAIA x The Feebles

    🌈 Abenteuer, Design & gute Laune

    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Color-Blocking Kollektion

    Must-Have für dein nächstes Abenteuer

    CABAIA x The Feebles

    🌈 Abenteuer, Design & gute Laune

    Das Künstler-Duo The Feebles kommt aus dem französischen Nantes und verwandelt alles, was es in die Finger bekommt, zu kreativen Werken. Sie bemalen Wände, Gegenstände, Leinwände und jetzt auch ganz exklusiv die Accessoires von CABAIA. Bist du bereit für eine Kapselkollektion, für die der Kreativität im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes freien Lauf gelassen wurde?

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
    Color-Blocking Kollektion

    Must-Have für dein nächstes Abenteuer

    So langsam aber sicher stellt sich die Abenteuerlust und der Drang, nach draussen in die Natur zu gehen wieder ein, oder? Unsere wasserdichten Accessoires aus der Color-Blocking Kollektion kommen da gerade richtig, denn mit ihnen bist du bei jedem Wind und Wetter bestens ausgerüstet!

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    Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe

    Eco-Responsive Medium Backpacks


    Discover environmentally friendly backpacks which are made with recycled materials and which are certified EVE Vegan. ### Our medium backpack is a must have, and is the original Cabaïa ! All our backpacks are suitable for all styles : streetwear, sportswear, trendy, hipster, classic ... and are customizable, you can change the color and pattern of the front pocket and add side pockets as you wish. Perfect for your business or leisure trips and for your getaway weekends in the wild. Inspired by nature, we wanted our backpacks to represent something more than just another carry-on in your closet, which is why we chose to work hand in hand with ethical fabrics and factories to offer you the best backpack possible. All our backpacks are guaranteed for life, so do not be afraid to use them on a daily basis or in you next adventure in nature. With their 23-litter volume and their many convenient pockets and compartments, the medium backpack is your best ally to go to work, go to school, go to the gym, to make a trip in the wild and even to travel the world ! Add your computer (13”), notebooks, water bottle, and everything you need to spend a good day away from home, no worries you’ll have enough space to fit it all in. Our backpacks offer great comfort with their padded shoulder straps and make it easy to keep organized with their convenient compartments. For adults, choose the mini or medium size for a women's backpack and the medium or maxi size for a men's backpack. For more information, please consult our size guide. For children, no need for a large backpack, opt for a mini bag, perfect for everyday use and to carry their small notebooks, it will make their day comfortable and enjoyable ! Discover without further notice all our medium backpacks and find the one closest to your heart.

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      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      • Cabaïa Europe - Cabaïa Europe
      + 7
      City Rucksack Amsterdam
      62,30 €
      89,00 €
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